Sunday, September 6, 2009

Catching Up

Holy Cow! Things have been so crazy. I almost forgot that I even HAVE a blog. NUTS. I apologize. Not that many people actually READ this blog, but still : ) Life has been pretty great. I have to admit I was NOT a fan of moving home for two whole months before I leave on my mission. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MY HOUSE! It is my favorite place in the universe. AND I LOVE MY MOM AND DAD AND MY BABY SISTER! I just was having a hard time with everyone at BYU moving on.
A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend my roommate Jaimie and her new Husband Sean's Open House in Orem with Stephanie and Alison. It was lovely, but it felt so strange to me. Seeing Jaimie all married and settled in and happy with her hubby was just WEIRD! After the reception I went to Steph's new apartment in Provo and hung out for a little while. It was so hard seeing her in a new place with new roommates. I did not want to leave BYU!

miss my friends. I miss Grandmary and I miss my cute aunts. Once I got home and settled though things actually turned out nice. Let me tell you about my days.... I usually rise around 7:30 in the morning and try to read my scriptures. Ideally I will be waking up at 6:30 and going to bed at 10:30 so that i can be getting used to mission rules. My actual Mission President (President Hansen) and my pretend mission president (President Christensen) both seem to think this is a good idea. I am working on it. Getting up early will not be so bad. I got up at 5:30 for Dance Team all the time in High School. I just have to get in the habit again. Getting to bed at a descent hour is proving to be more of a challenge. I figure once I am on my mission and I do not have much to do past bedtime (IE Text and FBook friends and watch TV and read) it will be a little easier. CROSS YOUR FINGERS.
My cousin Alyssa worked as a Housekeeper at MarDon Resort this summer. It is a fishing and hunting resort about 20 minutes from my home. The season is closing down, but they still need help, so I took over Lyssa's job for the next few weeks. We (the other maids and I) have a small motel with about 20 rooms and 10 or so cottages we clean and care for during the week. I scrub toilets and bathroom floors and make bed and dust...change laundry, vacuum, mop...whatever needs to be done to get the rooms ready for guest and make the guest currently staying there happy. It is a good job and it has kept me busy. I am FINALLY learning to clean on a Lisa Christensen standard.

I usually get home from work around 4:30ish. I shower and help with dinner. After dinner I practice my Spanish for a little while. I am really nervous to learn another language. I know the Lord would not send me to Houston if he did not know with full confidence that I can do it, but it is still hard. My new motto in life: "I Can Do Hard Things..." Most days I just end up frustrated because I am not fluent, which is stupid. I have not even entered the MTC yet. I tell myself all the time that if I go to bed knowing more Spanish than I did when I woke up that morning the day has been a positive one, even if I just learn one noun. At least this computer program my daddy bought me is jogging my memory of what I learned in HS Spanish years ago.
After that I usually spend my nights with Lindsey. She is in Volleyball, so i have a feeling games will soon take over our family life. She is almost always sore from sports, and I am almost always exhausted form work, so we usually just watch The Hills or Keeping Up with The Kardashians (Babe's two obsessions) while she does homework. My days usually end with a walk with my mom to keep me in shape.

ANYWAYS....On a lighter note, lots of happy things are happening!
* I am teaching Primary to four of the cutest seven/eight year old boys in the history of the world. I love Primary. I would be completely content to stay in the Primary my whole life. I love singing time. I think I get more excited about the songs than the kids do....especially when we sign....
* I am GOING TO NEW YORK CITY! My parents are taking me on a little Pre-Mission get away the end of this month. I cannot wait. We are going to see MARY POPPINS ON BROADWAY! That is one of my favorite movies of all time. I am also going to go through the temple for the first time in Manhattan. We are going to go to Live with Regis and Kelly...Good Times for all.

* My birthday is two weeks from Thursday! I can't believe I am going to be 21 years old...WOW. This is me and William. He was my birthday present from Dave and Tara on my sixteenth birthday. I am pretty sure this is the first year we will not be able to celebrate together. SAD. LOVE YOU BOOM BOOM POW ROCK MY STYLE!

* My best buddy from high school TYSON ALLRED is coming home from his mission next week. I am so excited to have a friend my age here to hang out with me - and a bunch of our other friends are coming home to hear him speak! YAY FOR FRIENDS! AND TYSON WAS IN DALLAS! I cannot wait to hear what he has to say about the mission field in Texas.

* Another HS BFF, Miss Kiya, had a sweet little baby this week. WELCOME TO THE WORLD SAILOR CHANNING JACKSON! Congrats Kiy! I miss you. I hope to be able to hold your little daughter before I go. She is perfect.

THAT'S ALL FOLKS! You are all caught up. This is my 40th Post! Congrats to me. I had a goal of fifty post in one year. That is TEN POST THIS NEXT MONTH AND A HALF! I have no idea what I am going to post about, but get excited.


Lauren Kay said...

Sounds like things are going really well! I can't wait for you to go on your mission! I went to NYC this past weekend, and really wanted to see Mary Poppins, my roommate told me it's fabulous. You'll have to post about it! Love hearing the updates, but miss running into you on campus. Love!

Brenda said...

You are such a cutie! I remember coming home from my first year of college to attend your baptism. I think I said the prayer;) Now your all grown up. Makes me feel ancient. Have fun in New York. I'm super jealous! Love you sweet girl!

Becky Noftle said...

Maybe the caller will pick your audience number and you will win steaks from Omaha steaks!! If that happens invite me to the steak party!! We are sooo glad you are in primary too and very much glad you are in Royal City for two short months.